Showing 76 - 100 of 153 Results
Federal Income Taxation of Business Organizations by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9781566623490 List Price: $56.50
Federal Income Taxation Cases and Materials by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9781566621700 List Price: $47.00
Federal Income Taxation of Corporations: Study Problems by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781566628679 List Price: $12.45
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations 2003 by McDaniel, Paul R., McMahon,... ISBN: 9781587786235 List Price: $9.95
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations: Study Problems (University Caseb... by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781587784279 List Price: $19.50
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations (University Casebook Series) by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781566624848 List Price: $35.95
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9780882778259 List Price: $28.75
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations: Study Problems by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781566628662 List Price: $12.45
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations: 2001 Supplement by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781587781193 List Price: $9.05
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and s Corporations 1993 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9781566620871 List Price: $5.95
International Aspects of Tax Expenditures A Comparative Study by McDaniel, Paul R., Surrey, ... ISBN: 9789065441638 List Price: $324.00
Federal Income Taxation, Cases, and Materials Successor Edition, 1991 Legislative Supplement by Surrey, Stanley S., McDanie... ISBN: 9780882778952 List Price: $8.95
Federal Income Taxation, Cases and Materials, 5th Edition, 2007 Supplement (University Caseb... by Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J.... ISBN: 9781599412993 List Price: $19.00
Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation, Cases and Materials by Surrey, Stanley S., Warren,... ISBN: 9780882770659 List Price: $27.00
Federal Income Taxation of Business Organizations, 4th, 2007 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., McMahon,... ISBN: 9781599414188 List Price: $13.00
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and S Corporations, 4th, 2007 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., McMahon,... ISBN: 9781599414157 List Price: $12.00
Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3d, 2007 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., McMahon,... ISBN: 9781599414164 List Price: $13.00
Federal Income Taxation, Cases and Materials Vol. II : 1987 Legislative Supplement by Surrey, Stanley S., Warren,... ISBN: 9780882775296 List Price: $8.95
Federal Income Taxation, Cases and Materials, Successor Edition : 1987 Legislative Supplement by Surrey, Stanley S., McDanie... ISBN: 9780882775784 List Price: $4.50
Federal Income Taxation, Cases and Materials : 1985 Legislative Supplement by Surrey, Stanley S., Warren,... ISBN: 9780882772615 List Price: $5.95
Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation, Cases and Materials : 1985 Supplement by Surrey, Stanley S., Warren,... ISBN: 9780882772639 List Price: $2.95
Federal Income Taxation Vol. 2 : 1983 Legislative Supplement, Cases and Materials by Surrey, Stanley S., Warren,... ISBN: 9780882771366 List Price: $4.00
Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships and S Corporations : 1991 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9780882779362 List Price: $3.95
Federal Income Taxation of Business Organizations : 1991 Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9780882779218 List Price: $5.95
Federal Income Taxation, Case and Materials, Successor Edition : 1989 Legislative Supplement by McDaniel, Paul R., Ault, Hu... ISBN: 9780882777511 List Price: $6.50
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